Finalized CSAR Surface QAΒΆ

This application computes basic statistics to assess finalized surface sounding density and uncertainty compliance per section 5.1.3 (Uncertainty Standards) and section (Object Detection Coverage) of the NOS Hydrographic Surveys Specifications and Deliverables. Specifically, this tool may be used to confirm that (i) at least 95% of the nodes in a finalized surface have a Total Vertical Uncertainty (TVU) within the maximum allowable error given by the appropriate IHO order as a function of depth (i.e., TVU QC = node uncertainty / node maximum allowable uncertainty <= 1.0) and (ii) at least 95% of the nodes are populated with at least 5 soundings.

This tool is meant to be used after data acquisition and processing in conjunction with other quality assurance tools.

Open the link below for detailed information.

Finalized CSAR Surface Compliance Tool (PDF)


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If you find errors in the documentation or want to contribute, you are encouraged to email the following personnel emails @NOAA.GOV

  • barry.gallagher
  • jack.riley
  • chen.zhang
  • eric.younkin