Tools - Create New SBETΒΆ

Use this tool to create an SBET outside of the normal Charlene workflow.

This will not transfer POS data; you will be able to create a new project where you like and point to a new location for SBET/SMRMSG.

  1. Projection/Coordinate System - These will autopopulate based on what you have set in Charlene. Change this if you need to.
  2. Select POS/SBET Options - This is just like the settings in Charlene, pick the SBET and Antenna that you want to create/use.
  3. Raw POSMV Folder - Folder where your .000 files are. This will not transfer your .000 files, only use them to generate a POSPac project and SBET!
  4. POSPac Project Folder - Folder where the POSPac project will go.
  5. SBET Location - Choose the output SBET file name and location.
  6. SMRMSG Location - Choose the output SMRMSG file name and location.


Online Resources:


If you find errors in the documentation or want to contribute, you are encouraged to email the following personnel emails @NOAA.GOV

  • barry.gallagher
  • jack.riley
  • chen.zhang
  • eric.younkin