Tools - Chucky!ΒΆ

Chucky, Charlene’s less eloquent brother, is designed to allow you to run Charlene outside of the gui. This is useful, as Charlene is limited to a single day, while Chucky can iterate through many days.

Chucky is written in Python and can be used in conjunction with other Python tools!

Chucky can be run in one of two ways:

  1. Feed Chucky a batchprocessor file (i.e. a session file, the file created in your documents folder that contains Charlene settings)
  2. Manually set all of the Charlene-esque options within a Chucky instance

Basically Chucky needs all the same options you put into Charlene. You can look at Charlene to get an idea as to how to configure Chucky. Chucky will still run a precheck process to catch any misconfigurations.

These options include:

coordinatemode = ‘NAD83’, ‘WGS84’

vesselmode = ‘Ship’, ‘Launch’

processtype = ‘Process MBES - RP at Trans (FA/RA)’, ‘MBES and Backscatter - RP at Trans (FA/RA)’, ‘Process MBES - RP at IMU (TJ/FH)’, ‘MBES and Backscatter - RP at IMU (TJ/FH)’, ‘Process Sidescan’

processmode = ‘Only Transfer Data’, ‘Transfer and Process Data’, ‘Reprocess and Reconvert’, ‘Reprocess without Conversion’

proc_destination = path to root of processed data drive

raw_destination = path to root of raw data drive

project_name/sheet_name/vessel_name/day_number = corresponds to metadata

mbeshvf/ssshvf = path to hvf

mbes/pos/mvp/svp/acqlog source dir = path to data, leave empty string if you don’t want to include

processtides = ‘None’, ‘Tide File’, ‘Zone File’, ‘TCARI File - Predicted’, ‘TCARI File - Observed’, ‘TCARI File - Verified’

tidefile/zdffile/tcarifile = path to relevant tide file if you want to do tides

processpos = ‘None’, ‘.000 (Delayed Heave)’, ‘.000 Marinestar (noRMSHeight)’, ‘.000 RTK (Height/Heave)’, ‘Load SBET’, ‘Create RTX SBET-GA830’, ‘Create Smartbase SBET-GA830’, ‘Create Marinestar SBET-GA830’, ‘Create RTX SBET-Zephyr2’, ‘Create Smartbase SBET-Zephyr2’, ‘Create Marinestar SBET-Zephyr2’

sbetfile/smrmsgfile = path to relevant sbet files if you want to ‘Load SBET’

processers = ‘None’, ‘VDatum w/ Heave’, ‘VDatum w/ Delayed Heave’, ‘Static Offset w/ Heave’, ‘Static Offset w/ Delayed Heave’

vdatumfile = if you do vdatum, path to vdatum file

static_ers_offset = float in meters, static offset you want to use in compute gps tides

processsvc = ‘None’, r’Nearest in Distance w/ Heave’, r’Nearest in Distance w/ Delayed Heave’, ‘Nearest in Distance in 4 Hours w/ Heave’, ‘Nearest in Distance in 4 Hours w/ Delayed Heave’, ‘SVC from .all w/ Heave’, ‘SVC from .all w/ Delayed Heave’

tidemeasctrl, tidezonectrl, svmeasctrl, svsurfctrl = tpu dialog values

processsurf = ‘None’, ‘Raster’, ‘Raster/Finalize - objdetect’, ‘Raster/Finalize - compcoverage’, ‘VR - Calder/Rice’, ‘VR - Ranges_objdetect’, ‘VR - Ranges_compcoverage’

create_half/one/two/four/eight/sixteen_meter_raster = True if you want to create the surface(s)

processmosaic = ‘None’, ‘Mosaic’

create_half/one/two/four/eight/sixteen_meter_mosaic = True if you want to create the mosaic(s)

qctools = [True for GridQA, True for Flier Finder, True for Holiday Finder]

autoqc = True if you want to run AutoQC

ini_file = ‘NOAA_2017.ini’ to use the Spec 2017 dir structure

noaa_support_files = True to use the Caris NOAA Support Files

rawcheck = True to run the rawdatachecks

Below are examples showing how to run Chucky in the two different ways:

  1. Run using session file:
from HSTB.Charlene import chucky

chk = chucky.Chucky()
  1. Run by manually configuring (assuming you are using a Pydro python environment shell):
from HSTB.Charlene import chucky

chk = chucky.Chucky()
chk.coordinatemode = 'NAD83'
chk.vesselmode = 'Ship'
chk.processtype = 'Process MBES - RP at Trans (FA/RA)'
chk.processmode = 'Transfer and Process Data'
chk.proc_destination = r'C:\Test\Path\Netapp\Proc'
chk.raw_destination = r'C:\Test\Path\Netapp\Raw'
chk.project_name = 'testproject'
chk.sheet_name = 'testsheet'
chk.vessel_name = 'vessel1234'
chk.day_number = '2018-123'
chk.mbeshvf = r'C:\Test\Path\vessel1234'
chk.mbes_source_dir = r'C:\Test\Path\Raw\MBES'
chk.pos_source_dir = r'C:\Test\Path\Raw\POS'
chk.mvp_source_dir = r'C:\Test\Path\Raw\MVP'
chk.svp_source_dir = r'C:\Test\Path\Raw\SVP'
chk.acqlog_source_dir = r'C:\Test\Path\Raw\Log'
chk.processtides = 'TCARI File - Observed'
chk.tcarifile = r'C:\Test\Path\'
chk.processpos = 'Create RTX SBET-Zephyr2'
chk.autoqc = True
chk.processers = 'VDatum w/ Delayed Heave'
chk.vdatumfile = r'C:\Test\Path\vdatumfile.csar'
chk.processsvc = 'Nearest in Distance in 4 Hours w/ Delayed Heave'
chk.tidemeasctrl = 1.000
chk.tidezonectrl = 1.000
chk.svmeasctrl = 2.000
chk.svsurfctrl = 0.500
chk.processsurf = 'Raster'
chk.create_four_meter_raster = True
chk.filerfinder = True



Online Resources:


If you find errors in the documentation or want to contribute, you are encouraged to email the following personnel emails @NOAA.GOV

  • barry.gallagher
  • jack.riley
  • chen.zhang
  • eric.younkin