Line Planning: Fill Polygon

NOTE: When selecting a layer in an ArcMap tool it operates on the SELECTION - so you can intentionally OR ACCIDENTALLY choose a subset of lines/polygons to work with.

First, load a polygon, presumably your survey area supplied from HSD Ops. In your catalog window double click the Fill Polygon with Lines tool from the PydroGIS.pyt toolbox supplied with Pydro (see above for installation/setup instructions).


Generic polygon layer in ArcMap

Choose the layer to operate on, the “layer Input Features” will list all polygon layers that are currently open within the ArcMap session. Specify the heading (in degrees) and spacing (in meters). The starting line number is an integer number that will be counted up from. If the Make 100% and 200% lines checkbox is selected then two different layers will be created and exported to separate LNW files. The output feature layers will automatically be named but can be changed if you prefer. IF the Hypack Line File name is specified then a LNW file (or two if 100%+200% is selected) will be created at the location specified. If the LNW file is left black then just the line layer will be created in ArcMap.


Options dialog

During and after the tool has run you will see an output window similar to this. Any errors encountered should be displayed in red in the output window.


Progress window in ArcMap

Here is the example output starting with line number 22 (northern edge in image). Notice that lines can be split by the area polygon and are given different numbers if that occurs.


ArcMap with lines created

Here is the beginning of the text output in the resulting LNW file. The first line in the file “LNS 27” means there are 27 lines to follow and each one begins with “LIN X” and ends with an “EOL”.

LNS 27
PTS 463221.6716 4198325.3486
PTS 463599.6767 4198703.3537
LNN 22
PTS 460934.5129 4193916.8696
PTS 461099.6421 4194081.9988
LNN 23
PTS 461566.9979 4194549.3546
PTS 461707.6385 4194689.9952
LNN 24
PTS 463819.0002 4196801.3569
PTS 464216.9964 4197199.3531
LNN 25


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If you find errors in the documentation or want to contribute, you are encouraged to email the following personnel emails @NOAA.GOV

  • barry.gallagher
  • jack.riley
  • chen.zhang
  • eric.younkin