Connecting to Pydro Tools from Arc

To use in Arc, connect a folder to the ArcExt folder within Pydro’s installed directory. This way updates to the tools will automatically be applied and take effect in ArcMap the next time you start ArcMap. The ArcExt directory is deep within the Pydro install, at a location similar to below.


In your Catalog window, right click on “Folder Connections” and then left click “Connect To Folder”. Navigate to the “NOAA\site-packages\Python2\HSTB\ArcExt” directory under where Pydro is installed on your computer (likely under c:\PydroXL). Once connected you will see the PydroGIS.pyt toolbox appear under the folder you just selected.


Fig. 1 Connect to Folder


Fig. 2 Toolboxes (in ArcGIS Pro)


If you find errors in the documentation or want to contribute, you are encouraged to email the following personnel emails @NOAA.GOV
  • barry.gallagher
  • jack.riley
  • chen.zhang
  • eric.younkin