PydroGIS: Pydro/TCARI

Pydro means Python + Hydrography. Pydro represents a framework to create, distribute, and update field software tools built on a reusable code base that makes use of an exhaustive set of Python modules and libraries. The inaugural application of Pydro was (released circa 2001) a specialized GIS designed for survey feature management: the PydroGIS. 

TCARI is a water level interpolation scheme that is currently housed within the PydroGIS application.


Open the links below for detailed information. 


Installed on this machine with Pydro (in case internet is not available):


TCARI for Notebook Features (pdf)


Pydro Attribution for Feature Reports (pdf)

Pydro Feature Attribution (pdf)


Online Resources:

HydroForum Document Library (SOPs etc)