Create 000 Catalog files


Automatically create a Catalog.031 for a directory (or group of subdirectories).

Given a starting directory all files ending in .000 are read and CATD (S57 catalog) fields are created. The Catalog.031 and Catalog.031.log.txt files are created in the starting directory. If the "recurse" box is checked then all subdirectories are also searched.

Optionally can be run as a command line utility:
Command Line Usage: [options]




Installed on this machine with Pydro (in case internet is not available):

2014 FPM (PDF)

2015 Specs and Deliverablesl (PDF)



Online Resources:

HydroForum Document Library (SOPs etc)



If you find errors in the documentation or want to contribute, you are encouraged to email barry.gallagher, jack.riley or chen.zhang