BAG Explorer

This application enables you to browse and interact with Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) files.
The application is based on HDF Compass and HydrOffice BAG Tools:
- HDF Compass, a visual tool to navigate files (e.g., BAG, HDF5, ESRI ASCII grid) and other resources (local and remote). The BAG plugin for HDF Compass enables you to explore the content of a BAG file from the bathimetry to the metadata. It also provide basic support for BAG optional layers and the oncoming VR-BAG.
- BAG Tools, a collection of tools to interact (e.g., export elevation, validate metadata) with BAG files, in pure Python. The library, started as a companion of the BAG plugin developed for HDF Compass, provides currently additional functionalities and command line tools.



Other Online Resources:

BAG Explorer project page

HDF Compass - Online Manual

HDF Compass - Project Repository

HydrOffice BAG - Online Manual

HydrOffice BAG - Project Repository

HydroForum Help Desk

HydroForum Document Library (SOPs etc)